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EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT – Alberto Viglietta

Alberto Viglietta, our talented Director of Photography at Mills James, is a pro at bringing stories to life from behind the lens. But despite his efforts to stay out of the spotlight, he often ends up in the frame—and is frequently the face of our behind-the-scenes shots. He’s not just a wizard with the camera; he’s also a great mentor and friend to those inside and outside his team, always ready to share a laugh, some advice, or a bit of old-school wisdom. Here’s a deeper look into the man whose work speaks volumes, whether he’s behind the scenes or caught in front of them.

AlbertoViglietta_October2024 (1)How long have you been at Mills James?  

I’ve been at Mills James for 3 ½ years though I've been in and out of the building since 1997 as a freelancer. 

What did your life look like before MJ?  

Prior to working at Mills James, I had a freelance career which often included MJ as a client. After covid put a major wrench in our industry I was ready for something a little different and Mills James made an offer that was too good to pass up for me and where I wanted to take my career. 

What led you to a career in this industry?  

I always loved movies and imagery but didn’t really think I had a path to that end and so majored in business in college. After taking communications for Business course, I switched majors and loaded my schedule with the classes I would need to graduate. After an internship with the Media Group, I was offered a full-time position as a Location Sound Engineer. The Media Group shot a lot of film and so I learned to be a Camera Assistant to transition from sound to image. I was there for three years before the encouragement of freelancers that i respect encouraged me to start a career in freelance. 

What is a project that you have worked on that sticks out to you?  

The most recent project that I have found to be the most rewarding is the Michael Malul shoot with Modern Poet and New Journalist. It was an amazing team and a slightly different way of working in that Photo was the lead and video was secondary. Together we were able to capture some really great images and video. Most rewarding effort for me so far! 

What is your favorite part of being on the Field team?  

I love that our team is so cooperative and helpful. Though I would be considered the veteran of the group i feel I'm always learning new things and hopefully imparting some of my old school knowledge to the team in a way that is valuable to them.   

Tell us about a professional success story that you’re proud of.  

It’s difficult to come up with a single thing that I am most proud of, but I would say that having Mills James see something in me that they wanted to include as part of the organization has been very humbling. I’m very proud to be part of a company that has had so many talented people on staff or been a launching pad for their career. 

Describe an interesting hobby or pastime that you have.  

Though it’s been a while I always enjoyed brewing beer. Brewing beer connects us to the craft of our ancestors, when transforming simple ingredients into a drink that’s meant to be shared with friends, celebrating tradition, creativity, and togetherness.  

What are you looking forward to in your future?  

I am looking forward to the new technologies that are constantly reshaping our industry. I hope to be able to keep up and continue to execute our client's vision.