“Always being able to think on the fly and problem solve is a necessity in this role” Our Employee S...

Find out who is who at Mills James
“Always being able to think on the fly and problem solve is a necessity in this role” Our Employee S...
“The team tackles each challenge and job with a creativity that is amazing to see” Our Employee Spot...
“Every morning coming into work, I make it a point to notice the color of the sky, the sunrise” Our ...
“I have always found the entertainment industry to be very fast moving, never black and white.” Our ...
“I have worked my way up in hospitality since I was 15… from being a dishwasher, line cook, server, ...
“If you don’t embrace it, you’ll just waste it, and if you bruise your ribs on the bunny hill, it wi...
“I’ve always had a fondness for words and images. Mix ‘em. Match ‘em. Collect them all. Trade them w...
“They know they can call me, and I will lead them in the right direction.” Our Employee Spotlight th...
“The way I could blend art with technology to tell stories was mesmerizing”. Our Employee Spotlight ...
Our Employee Spotlight this month features Kevin Boyle: Producer, Editor and Director of Photography...